27 Camping Recipes You’ll Want To Try And Share

camping recipes

Malls get boring and the beaches get old. Why not try camping with your friends? You will surely have a good time in the woods, setting up your tent, cooking your own foods and hunting in the wild. Want to make sure you are prepped and primed for your next camping adventure? Websites like Outdoorcommand.com are an excellent resource and are filled with news and reviews of products to use in the great outdoors. Whether camping, hiking, fishing, or a combination of all three are on your agenda, you are sure to find something to inspire your next outdoor purchase! Above all, camping can be a great adventure, but you really do not want to have to worry about what you are going to eat in the forest. Here is a quick guide that will help you come up with the tastiest recipes over your campfire:

1. Smoreos

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Toast marshmallows on a stick over your campire. When toasted, sandwich the marshmallows with two graham crackers. Add small pieces of chocolate inside.

2. Campfire Cones

Chop apples and bananas or any fruit of your choice into smaller pieces. Put together in a bowl your sliced fruits, chocolates and marshmallows. Wrap your cones with foil. Stuff the cone with your mixed fruits, chocolates and marshmallows. Toast the cone over the fire.

3. Barbecued Apple Crisp

Before leaving home to camp, prepare the foil recipe that you will bring in the woods. Mix nutmeg, cinnamon, oats, flour and sugars. Pour butter and mix. Put the mixture in the fridge. Meanwhile, slice apples and spread in the mix from the fridge. Squeeze in lemon juice. Spread your mix a foil and wrap it into squares. Bring it to your camp and toast over fire during lunch.

4. Banana Smores

Preheat your grill to medium heat. Partly slice banana into halves, lengthwise. Put on an aluminum foil. Put in marshmallows and chocolate chips in between the slices. Wrap in aluminum foil and grill. Once grilled, unwrap it and put cereal or sprinkles on top.

5. Blueberry Cobler

Ready your grill charcoals. Mix blueberries, sugar and flour then transfer mixture into baking pan. Cook over the grill for 10 minutes and then stir. Cook for another 10 minutes and make sure the juices have been released. Put tiny bits of biscuits on top of the blueberry mixture and cook for 10 minutes. Allow to cool before serving.

If you want to know more about great campfire foods, you may research online on instructions of the following recipes:

• Baileys-Dipped Toasted Marshmallows

• Campfire Eclairs

• Campfire Red Sangria

• Vodka-Spiked White Sangria

• Camping Quesadilla

• Fire-Roasted Salmon With Herbs and Lemon

• Foil-Wrapped Whole Wheat Pasta With Goat Cheese and Tomatoes

• Coconut Curry Soup

• Chicken with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Dill Potatoes

• Vegetarian Tofu and Eggplant Bundles

• Campfire Mushrooms

• Dutch Oven Pizza

• Potato Boat with Ham, Cheese & Bacon

• Sriracha Popcorn

• Grilled Brussels Sprouts With Whole Grain Mustard

• Pizza Nachos

• Cheesy Dutch Oven Potatoes

• Campfire Burritos

• Campfire Bacon

• Cinnamon Sugar Donuts

• Double Dutch Pancake

• Breakfast Burger Biscuits

With all these good stuff at the camp, who would to go home?