How to Grow a Lemon Tree In Your Home

How to Grow a Lemon Tree In Your Home

Did you know that lemons and other citrus fruits are healthy foods? Yes, of course: they are full of nutrients and vitamins. They are also an important ingredient in many health dishes. Why not have them growing in your windowsill?

It might be a challenge to grow some citrus plants in your house, but two of them can be done relatively easily. You’ll also learn about freshness and quality.

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1. Lemons

You may want to pick up a young (2-3 year-old) tree and grow that. Use a pot with many holes in the bottom, and which is bigger than the root ball of the tree. When the tree is mature, remember, you will need a pot up to 15 inches deep and 20 inches diameter. Put the tree in the pot. Fill the drainage container with stones–for improved air flow–then fill the pot with soil.

NOTE: there are soils that are prepared for citrus plants, which help them specifically to grow.

How much sunlight? 8-10 hours per day. Water? regular (don’t overwater).

How long before it ripens? usually 6-9 months.

Lemons are healthy foods, but only have a couple of our nutritional requirements. Limes, too. They’re also among the most flavorful of our foods — A mouthful of lemon can overcome your other senses to some degree.

The main benefit — nutrition wise — of eating lemons is vitamin C (a quartre of a cup provides a third of our daily vitamin C requirement. They also have a small amount (three percent of our DRI/DV) of folate.

But in addition to the nutritional value of these brightly colored fruit, they also protect against cancer with their antioxidant flavonoid compounds . Although not something given a great amount of thought in the First World, lime juice also can cut down on cholera cases.

One more thing: lemons and limes can alter cell cycles. In a good way, researchers think. They improve cell immunity.

Or you can grow one from seed. For more photos/information, visit This Webpage