Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

More fluids is good for kidney stones in general. You can also get more fluids into your body by eating foods with a lot of water in them, such as watermelon and cucumber. Eat less spinach and other oxalate-high foods. You should drink the already recommended normal ideal amount of water: 8-10 glasses per day.

Here is a recipe that is recommended to clean out kidney stones

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Olive oil, fresh lemon juice and plenty of water. Pour 1/4 cup of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil into a bowl and mix. Consume the mixture and follow it up with plenty of water. Repeat the process around 3 times per day.

This will also help keep kidney stones from developing in the future.

Kidney stones are common, forming for various reasons, such as too much chemicals in urine, like uric acid, oxalic acid, calcium and phosphorus. Gout, dehydration, mineral imbalance, improper diet and vitamin D also can lead to kidney stones.

The stones become most problematic when they jam up the ureter, blocking the flow of urine.

Remedies like the one in this article may help with small stones, but will be less able to help with larger stones.

In any case, consult with a doctor first before trying any remedy for an ailment.

Here’s more remedies for kidney stones:

Potassium Citrate

By buying potassium citrate powder and consuming it regularly, you will have a reduced risk of getting kidney stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar remedy:

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of honey and one cup of warm water. Mix this and drink it a few times per day.

Pomegranate remedy:

This is just eating pomegranates. Eat a whole one, or drink a glass of fresh squeezed juice from a pomegranate. This also goes well in fruit salad (maybe with watermelon.)

Nettle leaf: Two tsp of dried nettle leaf mixed into one cup of hot water (like tea). Steeped for ten minutes, then strained. Do this 2 or three times (2 or 3 cups) per day.

Some other foods that will help with kidney stones:

Basil (can be used to make a tea [5-6 basil leaves] and mixed with honey or drink basil juice), wheatgrass, and the already mentioned watermelon.

If you find that this home remedy or others don’t work for you, it may be worth contacting a specialist like Dr Trung Quach. You will be able to receive further advice and guidance on the steps you need to take to solve your kidney problems.