
All of us look for a place we can live our lives in some kind of peace. Most of us have   some idea what that looks like. Peace is defined by the dictionary; harmony, armistice, tranquility, calm, serenity…end of war. I have heard the term “unity” used in the sense of the world coming together therefor; peace would exist.

And yet, on the news I listen to how the immigrants are coming from different parts of the world invading countries. The majority of the immigrants are coming from a country where they as citizens have no meaning to the authorities. Some of the countries view the citizens as no more than garbage. This includes the women and children as well. These citizens live every day in fear for living and/or lack of resources to survive; not enough of the necessities of life. The media display across the television so all view pregnant woman, babies, they are fighting to find a place of peace.

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There is an apprehension from countries that are being raided with immigrants. The apprehension is overwhelming because thousands of immigrants will need resources to survive. The resources the immigrants need are to be paid by the citizens of the country they raided; through their taxes, in order for the immigrants to find their place of peace.   These countries are noted for their way of life, where democracy exists. Everyone wants to survive…preferably in peace.

By Linda Allen