A square on wheels? Are you a fan of this type of simplicity? Would you like to see something like this built on an assembly line? It looks a little like a square lego block on lego wheels, doesn’t it? Sort of like a tiny home on a go-cart chassis? Sort of like the squareness of a Range Rover.
I guess in one sense this is sort of the essence of an RV. A room with a steering wheel on top of a motor and some wheels. Where is the motor, by the way?
Health Risks of Sugar are Worse Than Tobacco
Yes, the tasty white crystal we’ve been wearing our teeth away with since the late 16th century (in Europe, and note that rich people were able to rot their teeth for a few hundred years before that).
Recently, a report on diet said it was more important to focus on sugar than cholesterol.
According to scientists at the U of California, its also worst than tobacco.
Added sugars are in around 20 percent of American food. Sweet stuff has trippled in 50 years.
Guess how much soda the average person drinks per year in the States? Over 50 gallons.
Sugar’s a lot like tobacco when it comes to addictive qualities.
It effects our bodies in a lot of negative ways, too — not just tooth rot. Obesity and a host of health issues are tied to sugar. You probably know how you feel after eating a significant amount of sugar at once.
In recent decades, obstacles to people indulging in tobacco smoking have gone up. Why? Proof that tobacco smoke causes lung cancer and other health issues, with some guiding smokers to start vaping instead offering it as a “healthier” alternative such as Juul Pods (that are so prevalent in high schools around the USA at the moment) over cigarettes.
Sugar has been linked to diabetes type 2. One of the obstacles to “proving” sugar causes diabetes type 2, though, is that there hasn’t been established a way to measure how much sugar is eaten.
Best Superfoods for Weight Loss
It’s no secret that bananas are healthy. They’re also one of the more inexpensive fruit in North American produce sections. They’re also easy to fit into our meals, since they can go with so many other foods. They also have sugar, though, so don’t eat many of them.
Here’s some other weight loss foods:
Oranges, which have sugar, so you have to use the sugar up or it will turn to fat. But, they have low calories and they have fiber to regulate your blood sugar levels. Eat in moderation if weight loss is your goal.
Oats, fiber boosts metabolism. You’ll feel fuller longer. They also have antioxidants and other minerals that will help with health.
Spices, which help make food tasty and interesting while keeping your meals healthy. Ie, you don’t need as much sugar and salt and other unhealthy flavor-adders.
Sweet potatoes, which have fewer calories than regular potatoes, and less calories so you can stay satisfied.
Apples, which reduce cravings for sweet things. They’re low in salt, fat and calories, and have fiber, which helps you feel full.
Some other foods to eat for weight loss: nuts, quinoa, beans, egg whites, grapefruit, chicken breast, pears, pine nuts, mushrooms, lentils, hot peppers, broccoli, organic lean meats, cantaloupe, spinach, green tea, avocado, asparagus, salmon, peanut butter, organic raw apple cider vinegar, olive oil, Greek yogurt, turkey breast, blueberries, and flax seeds.