Tradition says that the brassiere is a must to protect women. If one does not wear it, she will look unrefined as it does not seem right in the culture and tradition. Susan G. Komen Association state that wearing bras is safe for health, but researchers say that it is a health hazard.
You can judge for yourself what’s true or false. Is it really necessity or just a habit?
According to health anthropologists Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, the issue with bras, is that they confine the movement of lymphatic fluid, and because of this, toxins are retained in the breast that cannot flow. They compare it to how the feet and ankles swell, something that normally happens when people are traveling during long flights. This occurs as the lymphatic fluid accumulates in the lower extremities and there is no proper circulation.
Another supposition that can be considered is by Grismaijer and Singer, co-authors of Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras. They say that women who wear bra more than half of the day, roughly 12 hours or so, intensely increase the hazard of developing breast cancer. Also, research says that women who wear it for the whole day in a whole week, that is 24/7 are 125 times prone to develop breast cancer as compared to women who seldom wear it or those never wear bra. Women who wear bra while asleep were found out to develop breast cancer by 75%.
In 1991, Harvard made a study about this. They found out that breast cancer development significantly increased its occurrence in those who always wear than those who seldom and never wear it.
This study has been presented to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and also to the American Cancer Society, and they are very much aware about this study for about 20 years now. So far, no studies negate this. Thus far, you cannot see it in their facts about breast cancer that taking off bras can make a difference for women not to develop breast cancer. Because of this, Grismaijer and Singer felt disappointed.
This the reason why they want to boycott these groups until they start giving notice about the bra-cancer connection and initiate educating health specialists and women about the danger of breast cancer due to wearing tight bras.