White Sugar is toxic poison and feeds cancer cells

White Sugar is toxic poison and feeds cancer cells

In recent times, it seems that sugar has turned into a villain as evil as Darth Vader or the Joker. Everywhere we look we see things that tell us the harmfulness of sugar. Now we know that diseases like diabetes and high blood sugar are caused by sugar, but does sugar cause cancer?

The simple answer to this question is no. Sugar does not feed cancer nor does it help cancer cell grow in any way. It is all a myth. If we think about it, this is logical. Sugar is found in many natural foods such as fruit and milk. These things are considered good for you, aren’t they? This is the first indication that sugar doesn’t cause or feed cancer.

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In addition to this, it has been proven through science that out body needs sugar, in the form of glucose, to gain enough energy. This energy is a must for our bodies to operate and so it would not be logical to think that something that is a necessity to our body would also cause cancer. This further develops the point that cancer cells are not helped in growth by sugar.

Finally it is also important to note that most foods contain sugar. Whether we are eating a cheese burger or a banana smoothie, it has sugar. Sugar is in almost everything and it is something that is needed by our bodies in order to function. Now it is true that an excess intake of sugar will lead to obesity, diabetes, hearth problems and in general worse health, but it will no way impact the effect of cancer or cancerous cells on an individuals body. To sum up, it is probably best if you eat less sugar because there will be health benefits involved with that but these benefits will in no way impact cancer.