Top 10 Most Common Health Issues For Seniors

Top 10 Most Common Health Issues For Seniors

The health issues that seniors deal with are different from the health issues dealt with by other adults. The differences are quite interesting. Do they show a difference in life?

Physical Activity and Nutrition

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Overweight and Obesity


Substance Abuse

HIV/AIDS. This is interesting (and unfortunate): In the US, seniors over age 50 account for 11-15 percent of AIDS cases. In the early 90s — the focus of a study — AIDS rose in adults over 50 twice as fast as younger adults. This is due to various factors like condom use and immune system strength.

Mental Health

Injury and Violence. notably, falls, but also fires. People 65 and above are twice as likely to die in a home fire — be careful at that age, please.

Environmental Quality

Immunization. Influenza and pneumonia

Access to Health Care