If you want to make your partner fall in love with you every single day, then mastering the nine steps of toe-curling is the most sensible course of action. Continue reading to gain more knowledge of how these nine easy steps should be done.
The first step is giving her a Thai footbath. Prepare a bowl of warm water and a lime. Sliced the lime in half and put in the bowl. Put the feet of your partner in the water and scrub it using the other half of the lime. The warm water will soften your partner’s feet while the acid in the lime will help eliminates toxins.
Get a hand towel. Soak this in the footbath and hold it above her knee. Make sure that it will not touch her legs. Do not do anything; just allow the water to drop from the towel to her feet.
Hold her feet gently, and rotate the ankles in a clockwise and counter clockwise manner. Do the same on each toe while pulling it in a gentle manner.
Once you are done applying a lotion, hold her foot using your two hands and glide your thumb in the soles of her feet from the top to bottom. Work the pressure points by pushing your thumbs deeply.
Subsequently, create a semicircle move using your thumb under her foot’s ball. You can do this in a back and forth and horizontal manner.
Using your thumbs, slide it on the opposite sides of her sole and towards each other. Go downward and return to its original position. You can do these repeatedly until you reach her heel.
Now, have your fingers intertwined while they rest on the top of her foot. Position your thumbs on the sole of her feet. Apply pressure with your thumbs while gliding your hands in her foot in an upward and downward direction.
The long bones on the top of the foot are called as the metatarsal. The channel between this is where you should position your fingertips. Next, glide your four fingers in an upward and downward direction between the metatarsal.
Locate where the muscle and the bone meets, which is possible by starting at the outside of her ankle. Once find, apply a slight pressure while sliding your thumb up all the way to her shin.
These nine easy steps are the things you need to keep in mind. Make sure to do this to your partner and surely, she will feel in love with you every day.