How To Do Thai Massage

How To Thai Massage

Thai massage is one of the most popular forms of massage that has spread to different countries because of how effective it is. It is said to have been developed by Thai monks some 2500 years ago. It is highly therapeutic and effective in addressing common pains caused by tired muscles and ligament and joint problems. Getting this massage alongside taking something like princeton nutrients joint supplements can really help stop any joint issues you may have. It involves stretching and administering pressure on energy points to release tension on the injured body part. Thai massage is said to be a form of therapy that was incorporated from yoga and even believed to have originated in India. However, with Thai massage, the procedure is made more relaxing because it’s the therapist who guides you through the stretching process. With highly trained therapists you are sure to have a very relaxing experience and this is why people keep coming back for more massages. It is also not just for people with body or joint problems but for those who just want to relax as well.

For those who want to learn how to do Thai massage there are different places you can go to in order to train. However, as we are now living in a digital age, you can now learn the basics of Thai massage online. In this article I will tell you how to administer Thai massage in the most basic terms. You will need a willing partner to practice on, so get them prepared to learn to do so. This form of massage is not just about touching and kneading, it’s a healing of mind and body, so it is important to be fully prepared.

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First step:

Prep yourself for the massage by relaxing and making sure that you are in good health because this task can be challenging. Hold your left thumb at the base near the palm and rotate your thumb about 5 times clockwise and counter-clockwise. After that pull your thumb gently. Do the same procedure with your right thumb. Then proceed to the next step.

Second step

Prepare a mat and let your partner sit Indian style. Let them lean their neck on the left side shoulder and with the fleshy part of the forearm, roll it up on the side of his neck towards the left shoulder.

Third Step

Roll his left arm in circular motion several times.

Fourth step

This time roll his right arm just after above his right ear as his left hand comes down. The motion should be smooth. Then repeat the same process on the right shoulder.

The next step is to bodily stretch your partner and for a body stretch,. Although it sounds simple, it actually requires more practice and training to perform because if not done properly it can do more harm. Your partner might not agree to become your guinea pig if he finds out you have no proper training. So the best thing would be to get some formal training if you are serious in learning the art of Thai massage. Like I said a while ago this therapy entails more than just kneading the muscles to feel relief. You also need to know about the pressure points necessary to give the best massage as well as how much pressure you need to administer. For now, the basics should suffice.

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