Thyroid Drink — Miraculous!

Miraculous Thyroid drink

The Thyroid gland produces hormones and effects the body’s metabolic processes. Some conditions involving the Thyroid include goiter, graves’ disease toxic adenomas, subacute thyroiditis, Pituitary gland malfunction, and cancer.

The effects of the most common condition, however (not the other condistions) can be uncomfortable and unpleasant. But most thyroid problems can be relieved if they’re diagnosed and treated properly.

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Here’s tea you can make to improve the performance of the thyroid:


– 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

– 7 cups purified water

– 3/4 Cup fresh squeezed orange juice (approx 3 oranges)

– 1/4 tsp ground ginger

– 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

– 1 cup unsweetened 100% cranberry juice

– 1/4 Cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (approx1-2 lemons)

How to make it:

Boil the water. Add in the cranberry juice and then reduce to low heat. Add the other ingredients (nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon). Then stir and steep simmering of raround 20 minutes. Let the liquid cool to around room temperature. Then stir in the orange and lemon juices. You can now drink the beverage with ice.