Ever since it was released back in 1998, Viagra served as an answer for mens’ prayers (for those experiencing erectile dysfunction). Having the latest technology these days, there are several new ways to deal with ED or impotence. Treatment depends on your overall health and the underlying cause of the problem.
There is now something called ED1000, a form of therapy that emits energy which increases growth factor levels resulting in the production of new blood vessels. During the process, they use a wand attached to a machine to send small shocks directly to the penis. This is what Vijay Sangar, M.D., consultant urologist at Spire Manchester Hospital in England uses in his practice. These new blood vessels address the issue of poor blood flow, fixing the problem at the root. Though shock waves hitting your penis directly may sound painful, Dr. Sangar assures patients that there is no pain and the person who takes it will experience very minimal side effects.
The ED1000 was developed in Israel, but hasn’t been brought to America. Erectile dysfunction is caused by restricted blood flow. In some countries such as Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia, men who having performance problems are still seeking a specialist or sexual health clinic for them to be treated. ED1000 treatment only takes 12 weeks, but the male who’s undergone the treatment will experience a very promising result for at least 2 years.
While waiting for the availability of ED1000 therapy in America, men having impotency may treat his present condition the same way you would a bad heart: with plenty of blood-pumping exercise such as jogging, weight lifting, push-ups and a diet packed with healthy oils. Or you may look for some smart habits online. Some men having impotency prefers to have a sex life dictated by a prescription supplied from a specialist