Pineapple Juice Recipe 500% As Effective As Cough Syrup To Cure Your Cough

Pineapple Juice Recipe 500% As Effective As Cough Syrup To Cure Your Cough

Did you know pineapple juice is 500 percent more effective at helping you stop coughing than cough syrup is?

It contains (when fresh — and note, juice you buy in a box that says “fresh” is often NOT fresh — it can be months old, and have been contained in a giant vat with no air which kills all the organic properties and leaves you with sugar water, which is later flavored artificially) Bromelain.

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Bromelain is an enzyme. It has anti-inflammatory characteristics which can combat infections and eradicate bacteria.

Now this doesn’t mean it’ll cure cough from pneumonia or something serious. But for many common types of persistent cough, it is five times as effective as cough syrup, reportedly.

It helps your body get rid of that mucus easily. It eases your sore throat.

The mixture:

– 1/2 cup fresh pineapple juice

– 2/4 cup of fresh lemon juice

– 1 piece of ginger (about 3 inches)

– 1 Tbsp raw honey

– 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

This formula was developed a few years ago by a research team looking for beneficial treatments for Tuberculosis patients. They found that pineapple juice, pepper, salt and honey given every day helped dissolve mucus in the lungs.

So you can take the above recipe 2 or 3 times per day. You take about 1/4 cup per dose. You can do this daily.