Peterbilt with Mountainous Sleeper

Peterbilt with Mountainous Sleeper

This post follows our original write up on this truck. So many people commented with informative comments that we read them over and wrote this update to the write up. We’re going to call this a Blogunity Truck Member’s Take (because its members of the mailing list (subscribe by clicking this — it’s just a weekly email with some great trucks, and we’re going to be doing giveaways later) and the Plains Trains page).

Members take:

This is a custom sleeper, according to Michael Maucelli, who told us that most cars like this one do dedicated runs, like most conventions, or bed bugging.

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Wayne Taylor filled in that the driver of this truck was hauling specialized cars like Reliable. Barry Carter commented that the driver was hauling regular units as well.

Some of the other things to consider when driving a truck like this: reduced load capacity, maneuverability issues (super long wheelbase) — pointed out by Dennis Larson, who also said it would be a great truck to live in, even if not for daily work.

Gary Johnson added that he agreed and it would be maybe a good idea to pull a smart car and motorcycle in this rig, that would make a “perfect camper.”

To read our original write up for this Peterbilt with a mountainous sleeper, click here.