Luxury RV

Luxury RV

This luxury RV trailer is pulled by some good power. And the trailer itself is a long one — 52 feet. It can also become a wide one. With its drawer it probably becomes around 150% its compact width. Often you see these with more than one drawer, but I guess these guys had other purposes for theirs — or maybe they thought they’d add more later. You can get slide conversions for around $70,000 (although that might be for 2 slides) I think, for pretty much any vehicle.

The tractor here is a Peterbilt 387. It has a Caterpillar C15 engine with 550 horsepower, so the owner won’t need to worry about power when going on long trips over the hills and mountains of our land. The back of the trailer is actually a garage with two levels. The bottom one one is where you would normally store a car.

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If you’re looking at these luxury RV trailers (or motorhomes if that’s your preference), this one would be just a taste, because the US and Canada make a lot of campers, trailers, motorhomes, totorhomes, as you can see on our other posts. There is a huge variety and price can be either way higher than you’d expect or lower.

For example, this Peterbilt and trailer went up for sale (used, of course) a while ago and it was listed for $350,000. But then they reduced the luxury RV to $60,000. I’ve seen cuts of more than that. One interesting thing about this one is the paint job. Look at what they did with the windows, which are blacked out with tint, painting swathes around them. It kind of looks like a luxury RV orca.

Luxury RV Luxury RVLuxury RVLuxury RVLuxury RVLuxury RVLuxury RV