Luxury Motor Home

luxury motor home

This luxury motor home is a Prevost diesel pusher with some features that you won’t find in most motorhomes, like glass tile (not just glass tile, but hand blown glass tile), a computer that comes up out of the counter in the kitchen, and a trap door that leads to a hidden room below.

Actually, tablet computers operate the slides and everything else in the motor home, and there are intercom systems so the door can be answered from the master bedroom, for example.

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This RV cost a lot — a million dollars approximately, and belongs to a young man who was only 18 when he first had it.

Ashton Guidry got this RV for high school graduation. His dad Shane owns a Gulf Coast shipping company, and has another motorhome now.

The custom luxury coach’s storage bay — one of them — was converted into a lower-level room. Obviously, it’s not a tall-ceilinged room, but there’s a door to it from the exterior (as a normal bay) and from the floor of the motorhome interior.

The interior of the motorhome is 300 square feet in size, and as you might expect has all custom luxury fixings, like hand-blown glass tiles, custom upholstery, and a lot of electronics. Besides the master bedroom and lower-level room, the couch turns into a sofa bed for more sleeping space. The trailer on the back is an 18 wheel one, and is 28 feet long.

luxury motor home