Giant Legacy Sleeper Rig

This custom rig with the giant sleeper unit is a bit of a mystery, and even after a lengthy search through photos, text, Kenworth models, truck sales catalogs, nothing comes up on this giant yellow thing. Of course, we can tell its a Kenworth — a newer model looking at that window and hood shape.

It’s surprising that a truck can get as internet-famous as this rig has got, and there to be no one posting on it.

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Well, we got information on a few other mystery trucks, and maybe we can do it again. So if you guys can identify this truck, or even the model specifically, I’ll go back to looking and update this article just like our others, like the Massive and Mysterious RV a few of you were able to get. How about this giant custom legacy sleeper unit?

It actually looks much like another famous legacy sleeper Kenworth: this W900 with a 190″ sleeper. That’s quite the extended day cab, too. Not sure which is a nicer truck now, comparing the two (click the photo below to enlarge it).

Giant Legacy Sleeper Semi

Funny enough, just about everything on both of these trucks looks the same except the hood. Is this just the natural progression of a Kenworth conventional into a giant sleeper unit?