Unusual Uses For Food

Unusual Uses For Food

It really feels so cool and fantastic to make use of common food stuff stored in your home kitchen to turn it into something incredible. It is all being resourceful and creative. After all, common things can also provide for extraordinary creation with crafty hands and a little wit!

Rare Use of Soda

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For those who are fond of soda, they can now make use of it as a stain remover for cloths, bacteria killer for kitchen sinks, effective cleaning agent in bathroom tiles and toilet bowls. It is full of acid; hence, it must be an effective housework solution to fight germs and bacteria.

Rare Use of Lemons

Wow this bright yellow, nutrient-packed fruit is very useful for the face, cloth and kitchen. To treat acne, squeeze on your zit. For a cleaner laundry, your lemon juice works well. And for your kitchen, you can soak the peels in water for around 5 days and let the lemon peels infuse the water. Use it as a spray for a fresher air and it works well for eliminating ants like how pesticides also work.

Rare Use of Peanut Butter

This my favorite for my bread and the rats cannot resist to lick it as well. Simply spread on mice bait and they will surely run as it smells so good for them. If there’s only one food stuff in the world for rats, it’s just peanut butter and it will solve their hunger. It’s super yummy for me and for these harmful pests.

Rare Use of Vinegar

Smells sour and yes this is really so effective for ants. They will run away from vinegar-smelling areas. I can also use it to get rid of dandruff. Aside for ants and my hair, it is also my antidote for cough and sore throat. Nothing beats natural healing. Over the counter pills are expensive, so I end up using this for coughs and sore throat. It’s a common ingredient for my healthy dishes at home and at the same time it’s a natural healer.

Explore more about rare uses of food. It’s fun discovering their extraordinary uses. Common things are to equal uncommon uses with crafty hands and a little wit plus some research!

We learned about this neat piece of information here: Mom Caster