How many Modern Architectural styles can you identify?

modern architectural stylesmodern architectural stylesmodern architectural stylesmodern architectural styles

The last century amazed us and kept us interested in architectural styles as architects invented new style after new style at a rate unprecedented in history. The trend towards new building styles is continuing in this century with firms such as Neumann/Smith Architecture advancing the modern period of architecture. The modern period in architecture began roughly around 1900 and continues still.

A note about the architecture images here: they come from a survey of American architectural styles done by Pop Chart Lab, available to order for around $30.00 before shipping.

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The survey was for houses in America between the 17th Century postmedieval English dwellings that some of the first Americans built to the new “McMansions” that have been built since the 1990s. An interesting reference work for the architecture student or those interested in studying architecture or perhaps American history.

So, on to the architectural styles test. Make sure you look at the image again and see how many you can identify on your own before proceeding to the answers:

  1. Prairie (American foursquare) [1900-1920]
  2. Craftsman (side-gabled roof) [1905-1950]
  3. Art Moderne [1920-1940]
  4. Minimal traditional (Cape Cod) [1935-1950]
  5. Ranch (cross-gabled roof) [1955-1975]
  6. Contemporary (flat roof) [1945-1990]
  7. A-frame [1950-1975]
  8. Organic [1950-present]
  9. Shed [1965-1990]
  10. Postmodern [1965-present]
  11. Deconstructivist [1980-present]
  12. 21st Century (material based) [1990-present]
  13. 21st Century (loosened shape) [1990-present]

How did you do on the architecture quiz? Are you as much of a architecture styles expert as you thought, or did you maybe learn a thing or two? For the Pop Art poster, click here.