Everyone wants to live a healthy life. In order for this to happen, it is important to practice an active and healthy lifestyle. In line with this, preparing healthy foods along with your meals is necessary. Fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods provide essential nutrients that could help boost your energy and fight off diseases. Here are the top ten foods known to give multiple health benefits to each one of us.
Lemon- This fruit is rich in Vitamin C and prevent the growth of cancer cells. It is also an anti-inflammatory. This would be best if mixed in your green tea. Through this, it increases the chance of your body in absorbing the antioxidants by 80 %.
Broccoli- This is effective in fighting cancer cells and strengthening your bones. This is because it contains Vitamin K and Vitamin C.
Dark Chocolate- This is perfect for people with high blood pressure. Just eat one fourth ounce of this in a daily basis. It lowers the bad LDL cholesterol and boosts the good HDL levels.
Potatoes- One sweet potato can be of great help in fighting cancer and boosts your immune system through the presence of Vitamin A in it.
Salmon- It helps minimized the risk of heart disease, cancer, and depression because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Walnuts- It has omega-3 fatty acid, which helps in fighting cancer. It also helps prevent your skin from the possible damage acquired from too much exposure in the sun. It promotes good mood and helps decrease cholesterol level.
Avocados- It is known to be effective in fighting heart disease due to the high fiber and folate present in it. It also plays a major role in lowering the cholesterol level through the healthy fats found in this fruit.
Garlic- This prevents the growth of bacteria including E-coli. It has allicin that is effective in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level.
Spinach- This is proven the most effective vegetable in fighting cancer based on research. In line with this, it has zeaxanthin and lutein, which are good for the eyes.
Beans- The chance of getting heart disease is lowered by 22 percent when you consume beans four times a week. Furthermore, there is also a little chance of getting breast cancer. It would be best to consume the darker beans since it have more antioxidants.
You should incorporate these super foods in your diet. Having these every meal will surely allow you to live a happy and healthy life.
We learned about this neat piece of information here: Fitness