Crochet Basic Men’s Beanie — Seamless (Free Pattern)

crochet beanie free pattern

How do you like this crochet men’s beanie? These hats look good on men. Almost everyone in the northern climates wears beenies it seems like, but a lot of the time they are just standard polyester-cotton blend flat fabric beanie (or touque) from any old clothing store. In part this is because these hats — the crochet ones — are hard to find. They’re not in just every store. You can’t even find them at all in small towns, as any small town citizen knows.

Look at the texture of this DIY crochet beanie though. It has a varied pattern down near the brow, and the rest of the whole beanie is seamless! There is no front or back — you just put this crochet beanie on! Take a look at it and think of the other colors and which one you’d want to see on whoever you’d make this for or give it to… or would you just borrow it right away? There’s no reason these crochet projects have to be for men. Women look good in these beanies — I think it’s just called a “men’s pattern” because it’s not every crochet pattern men can wear.

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This free crochet pattern comes to us from Little Monkey’s Crochet. They ran a challenge to make 100 hats that the Columbia team would take and give away to homeless people along with other needs. The whole thing seems to have been through Project Hope Ministries (their Facebook page) (non-profit organization). This DIY crochet project is rated “easy” by Little Monkeys Crochet.

You will need:

  • Soft worsted
  • An I hook (5.5mm)

Basic concept of the crochet project:

The beanie is made by working in a continuous round. (There’s no joining or turning), you just keep adding on in a spiral pattern. Use a stitch marker for keeping track of the rows you make.

There are 25 rounds. The pattern breaks these 25 up into 9 sets, each with their own instructions. For the complete detailed pattern of these 9 sets, visit Little Monkey’s Crochet and scroll down to their free DIY crochet project beanie pattern (click here).