Classic Emeryville

classic emeryville

This “letter” comes to us from a fellow by the name of Tony, who’s a member of the Plains, Trains page. We don’t feature too many of these old classics like this, but maybe we should feature more. Here Tony talks about the classic International pictured above:

“I saw you had old cab overs. Here’s my Father’s 1st truck and an owner-operator. Its a ’65 Emereyville.

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“It started as a full screw my father had the last axle cut off it had a 220 Cummins an a 10 sp r/r this truck made him the most money over 800,000 miles before he had to go into to the motor he then bought not year it was but he called it a Japanese Frieghtliner it came with a new 270 Cummins and had a 3-way Eaton.. wish i had pictures of that truck

“We saw many of these old 65s redone down in fla years ago..I rode in the that truck with my baby seat bolted to the dog house… I was born a year later.. he wished he never sold it.. 4 years before the old man died we were going across the G.W.B in my car we saw it still running loads my old man went nuts he was 75 an screaming like a young school girl that’s my old truck that’s my old truck when it went out of site going the other way he sat there an cried telling me I should’ve never sold it… that’s my little story sorry for taking up your time.

Thanks, T…

classic emeryville