Luxury RV

luxury rv

Another unconventional luxury recreational vehicle. The base on this here RV is a trailer — 53 feet or 16.10 meters — so far nothing unusual, we would say almost a bus. But everything changes when this luxury mobile is parked and new dimensions start sliding out of it.

Four slides come out like drawers to give much more floor space on the bottom of the RV and the roof rises to give height to the top one. The roof rises by 8 hydraulic cylinders and the furniture fits into each other when its folded together. Now it gets interesting when everything is opened out to its maximum, kitchen and living down the middle, bathroom in the back.

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Upstairs, there is a lounge in the back, an office and a bedroom at the front, all with panoramic views. The heating and cooling system is at the front of the trailer and does not encroach on the length of this RV. There’s a decent kitchen. And the room behind the office is the TV room.

This vehicle and its layout is the work of a company called Anderson, out of California. Initially, the guy who made this luxury RV rented it out as a motor home for film sets and crews. The kind of thing big rich movie stars want to have on set. Then he had a mini-recording studio in a big RV like this. There are a number of big luxury RVs like this, but I’m pretty sure this one is Steve Elkington’s — the golfer. I’ve seen photos of it in white and in the silver color up above.

He was also contracted by actor Will Smith to build him a trailer (for Men in Black III, reportedly), and several other big screen names.

As you can see, there are a lot of expensive and high-end amenities in the interior of this luxury RV.

Unconventional RV (1) Unconventional RV (2) Unconventional RV (3)