Man Invents Trucker Hammock

trucker hammok

This is what a hazmat driver figured out for himself in order to put is feet up in his cab … not a sleeper cab, obviously. He built a trucker hammock and shared it on Imgur.

The trucker’s handle online is floydguitarist and the pictures show what’s involved.

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To build one, you need a hammock and a high-weight rated ratchet straps. You put the cord ends of the hammock through the truck’s window on each side of the cab and loop it back over tops of the doors, closing the doors on it (or over the door and loop it back in — either way), then ratchet the two ends together.

In this case, the ratchet strap was rated for 400 pounds, according to floydguitarist, and the hammock itself was rated for 250 pounds.

So, although some people were worried about the strength of the ratchet, but the trucker said he was more concerned about bending the doors of his truck.

In any case, he said he used it a couple of times and he weighs 175.

This composite image shows everything you need to know. You’ve probably figured it out anyway by now. (View the image on a large screen for best viewing)

trucker hammok