“Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric Oils. The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother’s milk and have similar nutriceutical effects. These health effects were recognized centuries ago in Ayurvedic medicine. Modern research has now found a common link between these two natural health products—-their fat or lipid content. Outside of a human mother’s breast milk, coconut oil is nature’s most abundant source of lauric acid and medium chain fatty acids.” Those are the words of a Lipid researcher, Dr. Jon Kabara.
Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids — the length of the fatty acid chain is medium. These are called MCT’s for short.
Many other fatty acids in your diet are longer chains, such as those in vegetable oils.
While LCTs (the longer chains) are often stored as fat in your body, MCTs are burned for energy, and they burn up quickly in the body, relatively.
What is the richest source of MCTs in nature?
Coconut oil, according to recent Japanese research.
That means it will increase weight loss through higher metabolic rates.
When you eat MCT-rich food (coconut oil), MCT’s are absorbed and transported directly into your liver by way of the portal vein.
And if you’re using MCTs as substitutes for LCTs, you can imagine. Eating 400 calorie meals with MCTs cause a 12 percent BMR increase, compared with a 4 percent increase