How would you like to try a long haul using this future truck?

Future Truck

When it comes to future trucking, we probably don’t know what’s in store for the highways at all. We currently know that truck shippers are still in full swing and many appreciate their services. But we can guess and look at various future truck designs, and some are smooth and streamlined like this one, some are boxy and showy, some are just slightly modified extensions of what owner-operators and drivers are using today.

Now this design might have a few things people might question as far as using as a daily shipping truck (looking at the photo above), but what about liking to drive it. Would you like to drive a truck that looks like this. I also get the sense it would be quite aerodynamic.

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The designer is John Shercliff, and he based his truck concet on aerodynamics, partially in order to increase fuel efficiency at high speed travel.

Also, the wide arches of the truck are intended to help it grip the road. And did you notice the canopy from the photo? The intention there is to incrase the driver’s range of vision around the truck.

Can you guess from that photo one of the inspirations for this design? Would you believe ‘Formula 1’? Yep, Shercliff wanted to incorporate American power and strength with Europeann performance and style, with the look of a racer.

The truck is to be powered by hydrogen fuel cells for reduced carbon emissions.

Future Truck