What are the best plants for cleaner air in the home 2

What are the best plants for cleaner air in the home 2

Plants naturally cleanse the air as part of the food creation process. They take in carbon dioxide and convert it onto pure oxygen, thus sustaining themselves.

You’ll notice that a lot of these plants are fern-like plants with long sharp leaves. Does anyone know why this is? If you know, please send us an email. I’d be very curious, and I’d publish a post about it.

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Do you own pets? If you do, you will need to be extremely careful, as there are many plants that are toxic to them. Some of these include Aloe, the Indian Rubber Plant, Red Palm Lily, and the Hardy Baby Tears plant. Keep in mind this is just a small sample, and there are many more toxic plants. Consult a vet about this to check up on the plants you already have. You can also go on the internet to the ASPCA website, where you can find an exhaustive list. If you would rather play it safe rather than sorry then you can use an air purifier instead of a plant. Check out this list on the Best air purifier for pets and pick one that works best for you.

Another option that you have, if you really enjoy owning and taking care of these plants, is to hang them on the wall or in an enclosed space. This way your pet won’t be able to reach them and you’ll still be able to enjoy them without any worries. .

Having a little knowledge can go a long way in terms of taking care of the quality of your indoor air, and your pets as well.

We learned about this neat piece of information here: Healthy and Natural World