How To Do Pedicure At Home In 7 Simple Steps

How To Do Pedicure At Home In 7 Simple Steps

Most women love having a pedicure done, especially when wearing slippers and open sandals are so comfortable. Having beautiful toenails also adds charisma and self-confidence. Pedicures keep feet sanitized, pretty, soft, and often also the focus of many compliments. Pedicures do not only enhance ladies’ poise; they can also be used for medical and therapeutic purposes. Of course they can also prevent diseases which come from bacteria, viruses, and pollution from the outdoors since nails are cleansed during the session. Pedicures are popular throughout the whole world, and while some men enjoy getting them, the great majority of the recipients of pedicures are women. Below you will learn how to do your own pedicure while in your own home.

Step 1: Prepare the necessary materials for the activity. Below are the items needed:

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warm water for soaking



nail file

nail clippers

cuticle stick

nail buffer

cuticle trimmer

scrubbing brush

clear top and base coat

polish color

Step 2: Remove old nail polish if there is any using acetone, then soak the feet in warm water for five to ten minutes once the nail polish has been removed. Make sure that the water temperature is not too hot to avoid burning your feet. Use the scrubbing brush to remove the dirt around the toes. Then once they’ve dried, apply lotion (optional) on the feet since it softens the toes and nails.

Step 3: Trim nails using a pair of nail clippers. Use the nail file after cutting the nails; this can help to remove any excess toenails.

Step 4: Use the cuticle stick to gently push back the cuticle around each nail, then use the cuticle trimmers to cut away the excess cuticle skin.

Step 5: Add the base coat. Apply whichever color you want. Start from the center near the cuticle, and use long brushstrokes towards the tip of each nail to fill in the color. Wipe away the excess around the nails using fingernails or any clean cloth.

Step 6: Use a clear top coat nail polish to protect base coat on all toenails. This helps to keep the nail polish in place.

Step 7: Protect your feet for 5-10 minutes until the nail polish completely dries. Test the polish by touching it; if it’s already smooth, it is finished.

These are the seven easy steps on how to do a pedicure. Make sure to sanitize those tools used to prevent infection and kill any bacteria.