All-Natural Mosquito Repellent Mason Jar

All-Natural Mosquito Repellant Mason Jar

Having a good time with your family and friends outdoors is really fun and exciting. However, the presence of mosquitoes will ruin your get-together, hence, be prepared with a portable natural mosquito repellent. Experimenting with this easy mosquito repellent mason jar will keep those creepy pests away. Also, you will be enjoying the refreshing aroma of your repellant.

Here are the things that you will need for this:

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2-3 lime wedges
2- 3 lemon wedges
some rosemary twiglets
10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops of lemon essential oil
floating candles

Essential oils are available online or to an eco-shop nearby. Floating candles are also easily accessible around the market and lemons and limes can be bought at the supermarket. While rosemary twiglets are not easily available, you can check plant nurseries and purchase some. Or if you can buy potted rosemary, it would be better so that you can have it anytime that you want to make natural insect reppellant.
After gathering all the stuff, fill the mason jar with water, then add rosemary twiglets. Lime and lemon wedges must be placed right at the bottom of the floating candle. Then place this natural reppellant outside and let the aroma penetrate the area. You will notice that mosquitoes will run away and you will be able to enjoy your outdoor gathering.

So, good luck with your experiment !