7 Ways In Which Lemon Helps Hair Growth

7 Ways In Which Lemon Helps Hair Growth

Lemon has plenty of health and beauty benefits. One of which is being an effective remedy for pimples. However, do you know that you can use to your hair, too? Yes, you read it right. Lemon is effective in making your hair stronger and increasing its growth.

Lemon is rich in different nutrients essential for treatment of hair and scalp ailments. It has a high-level content of Vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, flavonoids, and pectin. Hence, if you are looking for natural treatment for your hair and scalp, then you might try lemon.

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As said before, lemon is rich in Vitamin C. This helps in making your hair stronger. It also makes the hair follicles healthier. If you are suffering from dandruff, then rubbing a lemon directly on your scalp is an effective solution. Here are the seven effective ways in using lemon for a healthier hair.

1. The hair absorbs toxins, which in turn will result in hair damage. When this happens, it would be a good idea to sip or drink lemon juice. This results in healthier and stronger hair.

2. Soaking your hair in a lemon residue is another effective means of making it healthy and strong. It removes bacteria and germs brought by harmful shampoos. It also removes excess hair oil.

3. Combining henna, lemon, and egg yolk and your shampoo will make your hair stronger. Apply it directly to your hair and leave it for two hours. Rinse it with lukewarm water afterwards.

4. If you want shiny, healthy, and strong hair, then rubbing lemon in our scalp is a good solution. It also eliminates the presence of dandruff in your scalp. It also makes hair roots stronger. It is advised to do this once a week.

5. Another solution for people suffering from hair loss is by mixing citrus juice and coconut water. Prepare an equal amount of each ingredient, mix it, and apply to your hair and leave it for twenty minutes. Rinse it off afterwards.

6. Since lemon is acidic, diluting it first is necessary. You can add water to avoid stinging. Through this, the feeling of discomfort is removed. Apply it to your hair in a gentle manner.

7. Lemon has bleaching properties, which lightens the braid. In that sense, it is best advised that people with dark colored hair should not consider applying this.

While lemon is an effective hair treatment solution; however, keep in mind that the result may take some time. Patience is highly needed here. You will surely enjoy the benefits that lemon can give to you. In that sense, it would be best to start including lemon in your diet. With that, you will be able to experience healthier and stronger hair.

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